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Wigstöckel Transgender United 2016


Legal Situation of Trans* People

Saturday, 10am-1pm, TransInterQueer (Glogauer Straße 19)

This workshop deals with the legal situation of trans* people in Germany.
The workshop will focus on the current regulations around changing one's name and legal gender. We will also talk about what happens when transgender people get kids and about confidentiality rights regarding one's former name. Also, various obstacles created by law will be discussed. There will be plenty space for your questions.
The workshop is open to all trans* and inter* people and also for relatives and friends of them. Please enroll for the workshop by writing an email to team@wigstoeckel.com.

Facilitator: Gabriel Kohnke, counsellor since 2011 for the Trans*Inter*Beratung, a project by TransInterQueer e.V., ABqueer e.V. and IVIM e.V.

Voice and Gender

Saturday, 10.30am-13.30pm, Sonntags-Club (Greifenhagener Straße 28)

This workshop is about how to express gender with your voice and body-language, and how to change that expression. Depending on the number of participants also in quite a practical way, with some exercises. The workshop host is speech-therapist in training and has been hosting a group for practicing a feminine vocal expression for some years already. The workshop might also be a bit useful for people who want to train a more masculine expression. The workshop will be held in german or optional in english, maybe with spontaneous translation for other languages.
Maximum 15 participantes. If you're interested please write to team@wigstoeckel.com.

Make-Up and Trannimaltutorial

Saturday, 2pm-6pm, AHA (Monumentenstraße 13)

This workshop is divided into two parts. In the make-up tutorial you will get an insight in hair and make up techniques, the Trannimal-Worshop is centered around the creation of your outfit. You can participate at both or only one.

Make-up Tutorial:Citywide-known Drag Queen Candy Crash is highly skilled in the usage of colours and brushes. You will be getting handy make-up tips form her starting at the foundation up to the gluing down of your eye brows. But whoever wanted to learn how to glue a beard is also at the right spot. She is going to teach you the very basics and mentor you individually.
Important: we advice you to bring your own make-up and wigs. Especially the foundation matching your skin tone is required, as we are not going to be able to provide you with all the shades necessary. You can buy foundation and powders in every drug store. Some basics like eye shadows will be provided from our side.

Trannimal-Workshop: Kristelle Airlines and Sharleen Voyage are real fashion icons who just know which outfit fits the occasion. During their trannimal workshop they will show you how to create your own outfits out of trash. Together you’ll create costumes out of trash bags, tights, wadding, card board, fabric scraps and old garments.Set your creativity free. The trannimal aesthetic which has made its greatest impact in the UK and is based on a look which is not serving realness or glamour, but is wild, crazy, outrageous and punk. But this is only a suggestion.
Important: We will provide the basic materials, but urge you to bring your own. Especially garments that can be used as a base on which one can expand and drape upon. There will be no sewing machine. We are only using stapler, glue and or hand sewing.
participant limit: 15 people

Please register for the workshop by sending an email: team@wigstoeckel.com.

The workshops are free but donations are very welcome.

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